All Nation Line Gas Electric “Doodlebug” Kit Basic 75′ Chicago & Northwestern (minus trucks/details) PN#3642


Completed photo for demonstration purposes only.  This product is a kit.  See below for include parts list.


2 in stock

SKU: 3642 Category:


For Sale: All Nation Line Gas Electric “Doodlebug” Kit Basic 75′ Chicago & Northwestern (minus trucks/details) PN#3642

Note:  This purchase is a kit.  The completed photos are for demonstration purposes only and not included in this purchase.  Please review below items included in this kit.

The 2 Rail O Scale Doodlebug was first introduced by Walther’s and The All-Nation Line. Since it has not been available as a kit for many years and modelers have requested that we manufacture and release the kit once again, we decided to add it as our continuing series of kits for the beginner modeler or someone new to the scale. It is a good starting point to work on perfecting the assembly of the basic superstructure of the car and later acquire our detail kit to finish out the build. Taking the construction in steps is a good idea to build a non-powered version for starters and then upgrade it with our power truck transmissions and trucks. We have available both Geared Drives (PN#446AN) or Chain Drives (PN#441AN), #3642G and 3642C, respectively. Myself, I am not the fastest model builder and taking my time to work in stages works for me. Another reason I came out with the Doodlebug is I really want to build the Chicago Great Western version for my collection.

One might note that the specifications are similar to other traction equipment with the exception of the unusual front end. The EMC prime mover engines located forward in the car behind the cab required roof radiators and other unique details such as a trio of exhaust pipes, grill detail, headlight, marker lights, bell and pilot. Ideal for branch line service these dual purpose cars facilitated mail, express packages, baggage and passenger service in a single car and could also pull extra passenger coaches i.e., trailers, or freight cars making all local stops. Their power was sufficient as diesel or gas-electric engines proving economical for short runs.

These types of cars could also be found on may roads such as the CRI&P, Reading, AT&SF, SP, and NYC.

Perhaps the most challenging but not necessarily difficult work on the model is the rear contour of the roof. While it may be intimidating to think about at first, this is relatively easy to form the radius. Watching our video to listen to the caveat on the roof length first, it is easiest to remove some bulk of the material before mounting the roof. If you use a belt sander, go slow. Normally a medium grade sand paper on a block is the best approach. Once the roof is attached, the final contouring can be done with fine sand paper on a block to roll the edge. Finishing the contour is a personal preference but since the end profile of the roof shows less arch then say a heavy weight passenger car arch roof, the radius is less drastic. The part # for the roof is M406 as found in the Walther’s Passenger Car Plan book. Only the rear end of the roof is rounded, the front end butts squarely into the roof radiator.

It should be noted that Walther’s documentation changed over several editions or releases and the kit numbers may also confuse modelers as well as when All Nation took over the Walther’s O Scale Passenger line. Some drawings state truck centers at 13 1/2″ while others state them at 7 5/8″ centers. However, keep in mind there was the 75′ car and also the 56′ car for the modelers that had tight curves on the layout or these 56′ cars were also supplied to tinplate modelers whereby the 3 rail track curves was not kind to such long 75′ scale equipment.

The following is a list of parts for the basic kit.


1 18 1/2″ Wood Floor

1 18 1/2″ Wood Roof

1 Front End cab with radiator grill

1 Rear End Coach end (Die Cast or 3D printed depending on stock)

2 symmetric sides consisting of the 2 outer & 2 inner panels

2 sets of 3 Doors

You can download and print the original drawings from our documentation collection here(Click on the Photo):

A short video to assist with the initial assembly is found here:



The parts in this kit are 3D Printed using PLA and ABS in various colors depending on our supply.  The roof and the floors are wood and the passenger car end may be die cast or 3D printed based on our supply.  Printed parts are sold as is straight off the Prusa Printer and will require the modeler to carefully remove some print build. PLA is not dishwasher safe and may deform in a hot automobile in the summer time as it has a relatively low glass-transition temperature between 50 and 80 °C and a melting temperature between 170 and 180 °C.

Here is a fun picture of the 75′ vs 56′ Doodlebug!